// to: Address of the receiver
// value: value transferred in wei
// gasLimit: the maximum gas would pay, can use string
// shardID: send token from shardID
// toShardId: send token to shardID
// gasPrice: you can use Unit class, and use Gwei, then remember to use toWei(), which will be transformed to BN
const txn = hmy.transactions.newTx({
to: 'one166axnkjmghkf3df7xfvd0hn4dft8kemrza4cd2',
value: '10000',
gasLimit: '210000',
shardID: 0,
toShardID: 0,
gasPrice: new hmy.utils.Unit('100').asGwei().toWei(),
clone the transaction
const cloneTxn = hmy.transactions.clone(txn); console.log(cloneTxn)