// key corresponds to one103q7qe5t2505lypvltkqtddaef5tzfxwsse4z7, only has testnet balance
asyncfunctiontransfer() {
const txn = hmy.transactions.newTx({
to: 'one166axnkjmghkf3df7xfvd0hn4dft8kemrza4cd2',
value: new Unit(1).asOne().toWei(),
// gas limit, you can use stringgasLimit: '21000',
// send token from shardIDshardID: 0,
// send token to toShardIDtoShardID: 0,
// gas Price, you can use Unit class, and use Gwei, then remember to use toWei(), which will be transformed to BNgasPrice: new hmy.utils.Unit('1').asGwei().toWei(),
// sign the transaction use wallet;const signedTxn = await hmy.wallet.signTransaction(txn);
const txnHash = await hmy.blockchain.sendTransaction(signedTxn);
This package provides a collection of apis to interact with Harmony blockchain.
npm install @harmony-js/core
Create a Harmony instance connecting to testnet
const { Harmony } = require('@harmony-js/core'); const { ChainID, ChainType, hexToNumber, numberToHex, fromWei, Units, Unit, } = require('@harmony-js/utils'); const hmy = new Harmony( 'https://api.s0.b.hmny.io/', { chainType: ChainType.Harmony, chainId: ChainID.HmyTestnet, }, );
Getting balance of account
hmy.blockchain .getBalance({ address: 'one103q7qe5t2505lypvltkqtddaef5tzfxwsse4z7' }) .then((response) => { console.log('balance in ONEs: ' + fromWei(hexToNumber(response.result), Units.one)); });
Getting the latest block number
hmy.blockchain.getBlockNumber().then((response) => { console.log('current block number: ' + hexToNumber(response.result)); });
Getting the block using block hash
hmy.blockchain .getBlockByHash({ blockHash: '0x08c46ae7249362a7d1f602d44c5a81f33ebdab6a7dcb6068f99610b57911aafd', }) .then((response) => { console.log(response.result); });
Getting the block using block number
hmy.blockchain .getBlockByNumber({ blockNumber: numberToHex(422635), }) .then((response) => { console.log(response.result); });
Getting the transaction using hash
hmy.blockchain .getTransactionByHash({ txnHash: '0x56c73eb993b18dc04baacec5c2e9d1292a090f6a978a4a1c461db5255fcbc831', }) .then((response) => { console.log(response.result); });
Getting the transaction receipt
hmy.blockchain .getTransactionReceipt({ txnHash: '0x56c73eb993b18dc04baacec5c2e9d1292a090f6a978a4a1c461db5255fcbc831', }) .then((response) => { console.log(response.result); });
Getting the cross-shard transaction receipt
hmy.blockchain .getCxReceiptByHash({ txnHash: '0xcd36a90ff5d5373285c2896ba7bbcd3f5324263c0cb8ecfb7cad2f5fc2fbdbda', shardID: 1, }) .then((value) => { console.log(value.result); });
Getting the deployed smart contract code
hmy.blockchain .getCode({ address: '0x08AE1abFE01aEA60a47663bCe0794eCCD5763c19', blockNumber: 'latest', }) .then((response) => { console.log(response.result); });
Getting the transaction count of an account
hmy.blockchain .getTransactionCount({ address: 'one1pdv9lrdwl0rg5vglh4xtyrv3wjk3wsqket7zxy', }) .then((response) => { console.log(hexToNumber(response.result)); });
Getting the shard structure and details
hmy.blockchain.getShardingStructure().then((response) => { console.log(response.result); });
Transferring funds using
// key corresponds to one103q7qe5t2505lypvltkqtddaef5tzfxwsse4z7, only has testnet balance hmy.wallet.addByPrivateKey('45e497bd45a9049bcb649016594489ac67b9f052a6cdf5cb74ee2427a60bf25e'); async function transfer() { const txn = hmy.transactions.newTx({ to: 'one166axnkjmghkf3df7xfvd0hn4dft8kemrza4cd2', value: new Unit(1).asOne().toWei(), // gas limit, you can use string gasLimit: '21000', // send token from shardID shardID: 0, // send token to toShardID toShardID: 0, // gas Price, you can use Unit class, and use Gwei, then remember to use toWei(), which will be transformed to BN gasPrice: new hmy.utils.Unit('1').asGwei().toWei(), }); // sign the transaction use wallet; const signedTxn = await hmy.wallet.signTransaction(txn); const txnHash = await hmy.blockchain.sendTransaction(signedTxn); console.log(txnHash.result); } transfer();