This package provides a collection of apis to create accounts and wallets and sign using them. A wallet can hold multiple accounts and account is associated with a unique one address. This package also provides facilies to manage account keys.
Creating account using private key and custom messenger
const account = new Account(
new Messenger(
new HttpProvider(''),
Creating account and setting custom messenger
// uses by default http://localhost:9500 as messengerconst account = new Account();
const customMessenger = new Messenger(
new HttpProvider(''),
const account = new Account(
new Messenger(
new HttpProvider(''),
const { TransactionFactory } = require('@harmony-js/transaction');
const { Unit } = require('@harmony-js/utils');
const factory = new TransactionFactory();
const txn = factory.newTx({
to: 'one166axnkjmghkf3df7xfvd0hn4dft8kemrza4cd2',
value: new Unit(1).asOne().toWei(),
// gas limit, you can use stringgasLimit: '21000',
// send token from shardIDshardID: 0,
// send token to toShardIDtoShardID: 0,
// gas Price, you can use Unit class, and use Gwei, then remember to use toWei(), which will be transformed to BNgasPrice: new Unit('1').asGwei().toWei(),
account.signTransaction(txn).then((signedTxn) => {
Similarily staking transactions can be created and signed using account.
A wallet represents user wallet that can hold one or more user accounts.
Set wallet signer when multiple accounts exists in the wallet
Sign transaction using wallet, will sign the transaction using the wallet signer
const txn = factory.newTx({
to: 'one166axnkjmghkf3df7xfvd0hn4dft8kemrza4cd2',
value: new Unit(1).asOne().toWei(),
// gas limit, you can use stringgasLimit: '21000',
// send token from shardIDshardID: 0,
// send token to toShardIDtoShardID: 0,
// gas Price, you can use Unit class, and use Gwei, then remember to use toWei(), which will be transformed to BNgasPrice: new Unit('1').asGwei().toWei(),
wallet.signTransaction(txn).then((signedTxn) => {
Similarily staking transactions can be signed using signStaking api.
This package provides a collection of apis to create accounts and wallets and sign using them. A wallet can hold multiple accounts and account is associated with a unique
address. This package also provides facilies to manage account keys.Installation
npm install @harmony-js/account
Creating new account and display hex and bech32 (one) addresses
const account = new Account(); // or const account = console.log(account.checksumAddress); console.log(account.bech32Address);
Creating new account using private key
const account = Account.add('45e497bd45a9049bcb649016594489ac67b9f052a6cdf5cb74ee2427a60bf25e');
Creating account using private key and custom messenger
const account = new Account( '45e497bd45a9049bcb649016594489ac67b9f052a6cdf5cb74ee2427a60bf25e', new Messenger( new HttpProvider(''), ChainType.Harmony, ChainID.HmyTestnet, ), );
Creating account and setting custom messenger
// uses by default http://localhost:9500 as messenger const account = new Account(); const customMessenger = new Messenger( new HttpProvider(''), ChainType.Harmony, ChainID.HmyTestnet, ); account.setMessenger(customMessenger);
Storing the account data to keystore file
const passphrase = ''; const account = new Account('45e497bd45a9049bcb649016594489ac67b9f052a6cdf5cb74ee2427a60bf25e'); account.toFile(passphrase).then(keystore => { console.log(keystore); });
Fetching account from keystore file
const passphrase = ''; const keystore = '{"version":3,"id":"33363566-3564-4264-a638-363531666335","address":"7c41e0668b551f4f902cfaec05b5bdca68b124ce","crypto":{"ciphertext":"9b09380afb742838b32d9afc0ec1a3df35dbd7a41e3a160d08c07a4d0e79b855","cipherparams":{"iv":"1cd0e0522260eef055b9170f4825f4a0"},"cipher":"aes-128-ctr","kdf":"scrypt","kdfparams":{"salt":"bf35e36c45cccefcef73a4c900f41c682c94c28630d94d2d1f764760d245f30b","n":8192,"r":8,"p":1,"dklen":32},"mac":"25b4442972356bea02af57eba3b87803086d90b5e7657a57b528b89b1aa25f2f"}}'; const account = new Account(); account.fromFile(keystore, passphrase).then(account => { console.log(account.bech32Address); });
Get the account balance
const account = new Account( '45e497bd45a9049bcb649016594489ac67b9f052a6cdf5cb74ee2427a60bf25e', new Messenger( new HttpProvider(''), ChainType.Harmony, ChainID.HmyTestnet, ), ); account.getBalance().then(response => { console.log(response); });
{ balance: '9126943763247054940484', nonce: 45, shardID: 0 }
Create a transaction and account, and sign it
const account = new Account( '45e497bd45a9049bcb649016594489ac67b9f052a6cdf5cb74ee2427a60bf25e', new Messenger( new HttpProvider(''), ChainType.Harmony, ChainID.HmyTestnet, ), ); const { TransactionFactory } = require('@harmony-js/transaction'); const { Unit } = require('@harmony-js/utils'); const factory = new TransactionFactory(); const txn = factory.newTx({ to: 'one166axnkjmghkf3df7xfvd0hn4dft8kemrza4cd2', value: new Unit(1).asOne().toWei(), // gas limit, you can use string gasLimit: '21000', // send token from shardID shardID: 0, // send token to toShardID toShardID: 0, // gas Price, you can use Unit class, and use Gwei, then remember to use toWei(), which will be transformed to BN gasPrice: new Unit('1').asGwei().toWei(), }); account.signTransaction(txn).then((signedTxn) => { console.log(signedTxn); });
Similarily staking transactions can be created and signed using account.
A wallet represents user wallet that can hold one or more user accounts.
Creating an empty wallet
const { Wallet } = require('@harmony-js/account') const wallet = new Wallet();
Setting a messenger to be used to send wallet transactions
wallet.setMessenger( new Messenger( new HttpProvider(''), ChainType.Harmony, ChainID.HmyTestnet, ), );
Create an empty wallet with messenger
const wallet = new Wallet( new Messenger( new HttpProvider(''), ChainType.Harmony, ChainID.HmyTestnet, ), );
An account could be added to a wallet using different ways. Adding account using mnemonics
const mnemonics = 'horse distance dry brother pretty manual chicken mushroom town swim prize clutch'; const account = wallet.addByMnemonic(mnemonics);
Adding account using private key
const account = wallet.addByPrivateKey('0x676cd9773dd23a4c1d7f22767c61c7b6723cc6be37b078545f6e0e91433a23dd')
Adding account using keystore file
const keystore = '{"version":3,"id":"33363566-3564-4264-a638-363531666335","address":"7c41e0668b551f4f902cfaec05b5bdca68b124ce","crypto":{"ciphertext":"9b09380afb742838b32d9afc0ec1a3df35dbd7a41e3a160d08c07a4d0e79b855","cipherparams":{"iv":"1cd0e0522260eef055b9170f4825f4a0"},"cipher":"aes-128-ctr","kdf":"scrypt","kdfparams":{"salt":"bf35e36c45cccefcef73a4c900f41c682c94c28630d94d2d1f764760d245f30b","n":8192,"r":8,"p":1,"dklen":32},"mac":"25b4442972356bea02af57eba3b87803086d90b5e7657a57b528b89b1aa25f2f"}}'; const passphrase = ''; wallet.addByKeyStore(keystore, passphrase).then(account => { console.log(account.bech32Address); });
Creating a new account using passphrase
const passphrase = 'harmony-one'; wallet.createAccount(passphrase).then(account => { console.log(account.bech32Address); });
Get all accounts in the wallet
wallet.accounts.forEach(addr => { const account = wallet.getAccount(addr); console.log(account.bech32Address); });
Set wallet signer when multiple accounts exists in the wallet
Sign transaction using wallet, will sign the transaction using the wallet signer
const txn = factory.newTx({ to: 'one166axnkjmghkf3df7xfvd0hn4dft8kemrza4cd2', value: new Unit(1).asOne().toWei(), // gas limit, you can use string gasLimit: '21000', // send token from shardID shardID: 0, // send token to toShardID toShardID: 0, // gas Price, you can use Unit class, and use Gwei, then remember to use toWei(), which will be transformed to BN gasPrice: new Unit('1').asGwei().toWei(), }); wallet.signTransaction(txn).then((signedTxn) => { console.log(signedTxn); });
Similarily staking transactions can be signed using